Monthly Archives: January 2021

In Your Eyes, How Big is Your God?

One way we know very quickly how big our God is to us is when we have to chose between Him and something else, especially if that something else is our life. In America, in our lifetimes, it has been very rare that someone has had to choose between their allegiance to God and their…
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Trusting the God Who Holds the Future

Can anyone accurately tell the future?  Even more significantly, can anyone control the distant future, especially as it concerns world events? If you met such a person, would you trust them? Daniel chapter 2 clearly states that no human can tell the future.  It also states, however, that God can.  In fact, He doesn't just…
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The Importance of One

Do you feel frustrated and helpless when watching the news, wondering what you can possible do to bring good in such a dark time?  What can one person do? Do you feel small in a world where powerful companies and superstars seem to dominate everywhere? Do you feel insignificant when you look at the talented,…
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Handling an Impossible Situation

Sometimes we can find ourselves faced with a crisis that just appears out of the blue.  Maybe it is a sudden health emergency, the unwelcome news of a job ending abruptly, a fire, a family member in trouble, or a crisis at work that you have to deal with unexpectedly.  What do you do?  What…
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Daniel – Living Godly in an Ungodly World

Imagine the world as you know it crashing down all around you.  One of your best kings just died in battle 3 years ago and his son who is now ruling is lousy.  Your country is being defeated and you have been taken away as a conquest of war.  All the while your God is…
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