Category Archives: Fun Stuff

Follow This Pattern

If we are honest, we have to admit that we are often following examples.  Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are imitating people frequently.  We begin life by imitation whoever raises us.  At school, we tend to imitate classmates we look up to.  In athletics or the arts, we are following the pattern our coach, music…
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Ballet Recital

Daughters of the King Ballet presents their 2024 Spring Recital!    Just click on the link below.
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What Makes a Baptist Baptist?

As you well know there are hundreds of church varieties.  Not only are there different religions, but within the different religions, there are different sub-groups.  Under the broad heading of "Christian", there are Catholics and Protestants.  Under Protestants, there is an incredible diversity of denominations.  Some of the more well-known ones are Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran,…
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Special Speaker – Trevor Route

Today Trevor Route will be sharing from Psalm 133.    Behold, how good and how pleasant is it For brethren to dwell together in unity! [embed][/embed]
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Current Events From a Biblical Perspective

We are taking a break from the Philippians study to talk about the events happening in the Middle East.  It is important that we take the time to filter what we hear, see, and feel through a biblical perspective.  That is true for any part of life, the struggles we face at home, work, and…
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Remembering Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We are Going

The night before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a very important command. It was not the "Go" command that He gave before leaving earth, but it was an equally important perpetual command that calls us to come together in the midst of our going and doing. It was the command to regularly and perpetually…
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Last Call

We have reached the end of the book. God's Revelation to His church, His final recorded words to them, is complete.  These last words are critical to pay attention to.  They are an epilogue of all that has been shared and they remind the reader of the importance of the letter.  They include this two-part,…
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Ballet Recital

Monday nights has been full of excitement and learning and on April 29, 2023 at 2:00 PM, the kids will be presenting a recital. Come out or you can watch the recital here. Thank you to Sarah Smith for leading this time in both dance and bible study. With Sarah we have Megan and Sarah…
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Caring for the Children

Today we are excited to have with us Nicole from BCH.  Nicole was our trainer for our Trauma Informed Care training seminar and today she is going to tell us about the multi-faceted ministry of BCH Inc. Baptist Children's Home was called into existence in 1955 by churches seeking assistance in caring for families and…
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The Beginning and End of False Religion – Part 2

This message continues our study of Revelation 17 and the final end of all false religions.  As we said last time, false religion is like fake medicine.  It is taken by someone who is dying hoping to be made well.  Worse than just being sick, the person taking fake medicine believes they are getting better. …
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