Monthly Archives: May 2024

What is Your Ultimate Goal?

So you are reading this post -why?  Are you thinking of watching the service?  Why? What motivates you to come to church or watch it here?  Are you looking for answers to questions?  Are you looking for Bible teaching?  Do you feel an obligation to be part of church on Sunday, one way or another? …
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The Joy in Trusting in Christ Alone

Are you joyful?  What makes you that way? If you struggle with being joyful, have you identified why?  Are you looking for circumstances to give you joy?  Are you striving for goals that you think will bring you joy when accomplished? If you are joyful, do you know why?  Will it last? Today we are…
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Happy Mother’s Day!

God's blessings to all the hard-working, self-sacrificing moms out there; you are a cornerstone of our society!  I have had the blessing of not only having a godly mother who instilled so many important values into me, I have also been blessed with an amazing wife who has done the same for our children, continuing…
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Living Out the Love of Christ for Children

Did you know that right now in the United States there are over 390,000 children in Foster care?  Sadly, 20% of them will age out of the system without a family to call their own.  As May is Foster Care Awareness Month, we will take some time today to talk about the needs of children,…
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